Student Solution


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Unit 5 DQ 1_20th Century Art

DQ 1_20th Century art

Q After watching An Andalusian Dog (Un Chien Andalou), the silent film by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, address these questions and issues: • How do the imagery and narrative structure of this film reveal the influence of Freud’s theory of the unconscious on the Surrealists? • Cite other examples of works in which artists use the techniques that André Breton called “pure psychic automatism”—i.e., Freudian techniques of free association.

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An Andalusian Dog is a silent film by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali and is based on visual images that showcase disconnected fragments. There are two images that are not very creative and is a bit horrific. One is Dali’s dream about a hand crawling with ants and the other is the cloud slicing the moon in half like an eye is sliced through a razor blade. There were these random pictures which is called repression by Sigmund Freud. This film includes what Freudian Theory about dreams has demonstrated and that is the repressed ideas of the unconscious mind that is never a reality but is in the head.